SKU: 1452_EN Category:

Wood boiler heating system chips Mawera, FU3000 RA /RD , year : 1997

Low-pressure steam boiler stoker heated automatically


Rated max .

3000 kW (2580 kcal / h)


Heat input of

3400 kW / 3,4 MW


Perm. operating pressure of

1 bar


Hot water

95 ° C


Water content of

11,200 liters


Heating area

164 m2


Max. fuel flow rate

680 kgs/ h



wood chips wood dust (dust proportion by weight of less than 50 % )


Average calorific value of

16 MJ / kgs

Mass ( boiler VK )

5670 x 2970 x 4810

Boiler weight

20,000 kgs

Combustion chamber weight

6000 kgs

Fireclay weight

22,000 kgs

Flue gas volume

11,570 m3 / h

Flue gas side resistance

40 mm / ws

Complete with




Rotary valve

2 pieces

Underfeed unit

2 pieces

Fire damper

2 pieces

Ash removal

with snails for combustion chamber

Metering screw

1 length 3000 mm

Metering screw

2 length 6000 mm




dust separator type MZA – G 60

Exhaust fan

type RGV , 11 kW

Control cabinet with multi microprocessor

Maweralogic 500 , LCD display

Cabinet size

1600 x 2100 x 300 mm


(Subject to technical errors/modifications and prior sale )



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