SKU: 1425_EN Category:

Solid wood glue line Prod. Weinig , HESS, Steineman, Kraft (Bargstedt)

consisting of:


Pos. 1421

Four side moulder Weinig, Type: Unimat 23 E, year.: 2001

with groove table and automatic measuring and alignment system


Pos. 1423

Solid wood – gluing press HESS, Typ: Verleimstern, year: 2001

with mechanization and glue application machine for wood edges


Pos. 1424

Sanding calibration line Steinemann, Typ: Osus Novella 130 Fs, with  Portal extraction facility Prod. Kraft, Bj. 2002


The production line is from the staircase manufacturing plant



Stock D-32683 Barntrup


(Subject to errors, technical modifications and prior sale)


14 + 6 =